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Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Other" Kids

So, I know I give Noah a hard time for being so rough and for being generally fussy (even at age 3!).  But, this weekend I really had my eyes opened to stuff I already knew but needed to be reminded of.  

Last night after dinner we went to the local dairy farm for ice cream and to play on their nice playground.  Noah was climbing up and down and all over just like normal.  There were 2 other boys about his exact age playing as well (we don't know them).  One of the little boys (Gregory) was afraid to go down the big slide and was just sitting at the top.  The other little boy (Matthew) came up from behind and tried to push him, which I have seen a bunch of times.  Gregory started crying and Matthew pinned him down and jumped on him and started trying to wrestle him and hurt him.   Gregory's grandparents grabbed him off of the playset.  Matthew's parents started screaming at him.  Matthew's mom said to Gregory (who was 2-3!).."Hit him back, push him, he deserves it.  I'll push him if you don't"  and then when she tried to grab him off and he ran away she yelled across the playground "I hate him! He's so embarrassing."  She finally yanked him and drug him to the car.  

I was completely shell shocked at the whole thing.  Noah can push his way through the play ground but I always try to make it better and have him resolve things.  I certainly drag him to the car enough and get frustrated, but to say that I hate him?  My goodness.  

Then today we went to a tractor show at Noah's school.  There were these great trees to climb on, very low to the ground with lots of branches.  Another boy who might have been four was on the tree and kept calling Noah a "poophead" and blocked his way when he tried to climb.   I told the boy it wasn't okay and that he had to move and he just said "no!" and kept getting in the way.  Finally he moved and I helped Noah climb up.  He wouldn't let Noah get any farther though and when he wanted to get down he just said "Noah, move!"  Noah got right out the way and I was amazed at how easily Noah listened to this bully! 

I just got so sad at the thought of how mean kids are to each other.  I know all the teachers out there know this all too well, but I wish it didn't have to be that way!!!  I sometimes wonder if it is innate or if kids absorb it from their parents and television and surroundings.  And the sad part is that there is nothing you can really do to protect your kids from it, is there?

So, today (for a brief moment) I am happy that Noah is genuinely loving and is known for his hugs and kisses and compassion.  Everyone always says how sweet and kind he is.  I'm proud of that, especially in light of how many kids at 2 and 3 are so mean already!!!!  

That's just a little rant on my part.  



Yes, it is totally depressing how terrible parents can be to their children. It's heartbreaking. And to endure the unkindness from their own parents, they must develop very thick skin, and usually become aggressors. I think it's tv, older siblings, kids at school, and parents that are the bad influences. Caroline started saying "stupid" the other day, and I was perplexed by this at first, because Dave and I try not to use really negative words like that in front of her. Then, I was watching the Lion King with her (her new favorite movie), and various characters are called "stupid" several times throughout the movie. And she likes finding Nemo, Cinderella...and sometimes I think that there is just too much sadness, darkness, conflict for these little kids to be taking. Just think- all three of those movies feature a parent dying. And Disney is held up as being this paragon of cinematic virtue! Anyway...thinking I need to hit Hackman's for some positive videos. Because as much as I wish tv weren't a part of our lives at all, it can make life a bit easier for me at times.