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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Random Iphone Pics

I finally synced my iphone after forever and there were some random pics i thought i'd share.

Here is Noah's pre-school and their visit from a Native American Storyteller, it was really awesome!

Here is a day when Noah felt like he was chanelling Buzz Lightyear. His cousin gave him this costume, and he asked to put it on and watch Toy Story.

Jen, Paul, Ben and I at Vietnam Restaurant in China Town before the Ani Concert. We are sharing a "dragon for two"

At the Please Touch Museum in Philly. Paging Doctor Noah:

Noah and Clare pretending to be fairies

Today Maeve put on her kitty hat to brave her first snow:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Interpret as you will...

ahhh, the joys of siblings. These are some our normal postures:

The elephant is dancing on her mommy!

Pure Joy...

See this coy in the ear move?

Insisting she hold his toys...

Can't wait until it's my turn!!!

Here is mommy after all night shopping and Maeve excited for the day she can come along!!!