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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Maeve, 15 months

Wild Maevey Gravy is now 15 months old.

We took her for her check up this week.  She is 23 lbs and (I think..) 32 inches.  She is a petite little thing. At the doctor's office she just bumbled around the office opening drawers, laughing, crawling on things, laughing, stealing the stethoscope, laughing.  The doctor was amazed at "how pleased she was just to be herself."  That pretty much sums up Maeve.

At 15 months she has definitely entered a hyper-busy stage and is in to everything.  She opens ever drawer and finds every lost thumbtack.  She is obsessed with phones and any make shift phone will do.  She was in my bedroom and found the cord to my electric blanket which had a grey controller on it.  She insisted this was a phone and held it to her ear to talk for a while.  Phones, shoes, bags... these are the things my daughter loves.  She is sneaky and sly.  She took my wallet one day last week and it was gone for almost 2 days.  We didn't know she had it and then suddenly when I was beyond despair, she brought it back to me, laughing... pleased with herself!

My days of enjoying picnic lunches are over again for a while as Maeve tries desperately to follow Noah down the fire poles and across the monkey bars.

She is finally getting more teeth, but her front two upper teeth and her back bottom molars are all coming in at once. She seems to have skipped many of the teeth in between.  Again, the doctor smiled at her progress saying "seems that this little one just does things her own way."  Yep.  I enjoy her thoroughly, though.  I marvel at her coy nature and her silly laughter.  She is a delight to everyone and can light up any room she enters.

At 15 months she is skilled at going up and down steps.  She can climb any mountain and is often found on top of the play table.  She found her way on to Noah's yard tractor the other day and even made it move.  She says a few words: mama, dada, baba (bottle), doggie, nowah (Noah), buh bye, uh oh, yeah, and banana. She has no interest in television and could care less about big bird and elmo.  She is much happier hiding remote controls and phones.  She snatched my phone the other day and somehow managed to turn on the video feature and taped herself walking around:

Though, as every one says, each child is dramatically different, we are enjoying the differences immensely.  It is amazing to watch them side by side and see how God has crafted two perfect children who are unbelievable different!  We are so thankful for you Maeve!!!