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Monday, May 18, 2009

33 Weeks -- Clueless

So, today I went for my doctor's appointment.  The doctor wasn't there so I had her nurse which I was fine with.  I told her I was having Braxton Hicks and feeling a lot of pressure and I thought that was pretty normal.   The doctor wanted me to be checked before I went to NYC this weekend just in case.  I thought was a little much because it is all still so early and I really want to go!

So, she checked me and I was 2 cm dialated and 25% effaced.  I was completely shocked.  I really expected nothing.  I have lots of friends who were 0 cm at 40 weeks.  So, she went to confer with another doctor and came back.  Her verdict: head to the hospital, no NYC, monitor contractions.

Well, the fact is I don't really feel these so called contractions!  I didn't with Noah either.  So, I asked the doctor if I could at least go get a book because I know how slow Triage is.  So, I headed to Borders and bought some books and went right to the hospital.  I started to actually feel some contractions, but nothing big.  They took me in and hooked me up and there were contractions on the monitor, but nothing regular.  They checked me again and I was still the same.  So, they sent me home.  

My real doctor will call in the morning and tell me what to do next.  Best case scenario -- Go to NYC for the weekend and enjoy my wedding anniversary.  Worst Case Scenario --  bedrest to keep anything from progressing.   Possibilities-- anything in between.

The big hullaballoo is that I was 5 cm with Noah at 36 weeks and never felt a thing.  The doctor looked me right in the eye and said "this is abnormal."  She is concerned that since this is #2 it could go much faster and progress quickly.  But, since nothing is regular, it could take another 4--6 weeks or more.  Who knows!!!!!

I don't mind it all, but I just don't want to have to go to L&D every week to get checked when nothing is happening! I'll feel like a big moron!