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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Little Miss Independent

Even though Maeve is quite the happy little girl, she is also firey as can be.  She is extremely independent and doesn't want help for most things.  We knew that when she walked we would not be a part of coaxing her, that she would just do it one day!

She has been eating less and less lately and I remembered a friend saying that when she introduced a fork eating improved.  I pulled out a spoon and her eyes lit up.  She was thrilled to feed herself yogurt.  The same thing happened with a banana.  She would not pick it up with her fingers or let me feed her.  I had to put it on the fork for her and she had to eat it herself.  

The bonus side of this independence is that she also enjoys playing by herself for long periods of time.  She can tumble and bumble around the house doing her own thing for at least an hour.  When she starts to get cranky she's tired.  At 14 months she's still taking a long 2 hour morning nap and the same in the afternoon.  Bed at 6:30 and a 7 AM wake up.  Her sleeping is good, but it can keep us home sometimes!  

In any case, here is the evidence of the greek yogurt explosion.  She had a blast and so I did too.  Bathtime for the kiddos!!!

And after her adventurous eating experience she thought she was cool enough to try to climb on the table.  Oh dear.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

From 0-60 ... our newest walker

Our little darling started taking a few steps before we went to Florida. Right at about 13 months she would take one step and collapse. It took her a while to move beyond that. Right when we got back, the first week in August, she just decided she was a walker! She crawls very little right now, just generally when she is unsure in a new place. Here she is this morning at church