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Friday, March 11, 2011


Noah and I practice "talking to God" for our prayers. He sometimes just doesn't know what to say and I tell him that is totally okay.

Last night he asked God to send Jesus back because we need him. And to send angels to get all of the sick people.

Tonight he asked for God to let the flowers grow back so that he can pick them for his mommy.

Sometimes I am certain that life doesn't get any better than the half hour we spend together before bedtime....such a sweet boy he is.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


That title is Maeve's pronunciation of color. Every time she sees ANY writing utensil she starts shrieking cowor, cowor.... At church the amazing secretary lets her push her out of her sweat and lets her cowor all over the stuff on her desk. Here she is practicing her masterpieces...