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Thursday, October 4, 2012


Maeve has a new neighbor friend who is a super Girly princess queen. She and Maeve bicker and fall in love like middle school girls. It is adorable and exhausting at the same time! Here they are walking across the yard. Her friend is telling her they need to find a superhero to rescue them and I am trying to tell them that they are strong women who don't need men to rescue them. I'm pretty confidant they didn't hear a word I said!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Following Directions

After choir tonight in the car Noah kept saying "A PEACH!" I kept asking what he was talking about and he said Mr. Bob says "A PEACH" and all of the kids agree and loudly say "A PEACH." I asked when they said this and asked if it was part of a game.  He said that it is a response after Mr. Bob gives instructions... I asked if he misunderstood and it was actually "Kapeesh?" He said, maybe mom, but that doesn't make sense.....

Franklin Institue 2012

We took a great trip to the Franklin Institute this September to see the Dead Sea Scrolls.  I was completely enamored with the display.  There were all new pieces never before seen.  We saw relics from biblical days, pottery and jewels completely intact, and of course scrolls that did not disintegrate over the last 2000 years.  We learned that by their unique location in a cave near the Dead Sea the salt and temperature of the sea is what kept them from completely falling apart.  

We were able to touch a piece of the wailing wall from Israel as well which was moving for me.  

We saw an amazing science show in the entrance right in front of the Ben Franklin statue.

And we got to play in all of the airplanes, trains, and walk through the human heart!!!  We had a wonderful day at the Franklin Institute!