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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

We had a great mother's day weekend here. Friday Paul and I went to an amazing string quartet performance in town by the Wisteria Quartet (YoYo Ma has played with them!!!). Noah hung out with some of our friends and then we went over to all hang out later on. Saturday Paul had a work day at church and Noah and I went to some yard sales and to Kilby Cream where my good friend Yaz bought me chocolate covered ice cream bon bons and a gorgeous wildflower bouquet. I got home and Paul and Noah gave me a variety of flower bulbs to plant as my mother's day gift.

Today Noah slept until 8:15 and then we headed to church for the morning. My parents came and we went to lunch and then Paul's mom came and hung out after dinner. It was a very nice chill weekend for all of us. Here's me and my little monster....

making silly faces....