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Wednesday, April 13, 2011



I grew up very close to my cousins. We saw each other 10 times a year! Some of my cousins even went to my high school.

My cousin Nathan had a baby about 2 years ago and for matters of circumstance we simply haven't met the little cutie! My aunt worked very hard to plan a day that we could attend and we finally got the second cousins together. It was sweet to see them together. Zak looks JUST like Nathan!

You can see Noah off in the distance picking flowers...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12th

7 years ago today I met my husband!!! On a rainy night we met for sushi and stayed up talking until 3 AM. We both knew that first night that we wanted to be together. It's hard to believe that it was 7 years ago already!!!

I'll always remember the date and that in 2004 -- it was the day after Easter. I always considered Paul my Easter gift that year... a true, honest, and beautiful new beginning.

As we sat through a typically chaotic meal here tonight we grinned at each other with the knowledge of how much our life together has evolved. We had tilapia (unintentionally) and just reminisced about that wonderful night so long ago.

I love you Paul!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Me at almost 2

My mom brought these pictures to show me myself when I was a toddler. We can't believe the resemblance to Maeve!!!


I needed to run a few errands and I thought the kids would be more agreeable with a nice snack. It was sunny and warm this week so I grabbed them some Rita's Italian Ice in Cherry. Maeve looked like a murder victim!!!

Another Good Devotion - God's Pencil

Weekly Devotional

Featuring a weekly devotional from Daily Guideposts.
April 06, 2011

So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
—Exodus 4:2 (NKJV)
The most popular technology in my classroom is an old-fashioned, hand-cranked pencil sharpener. I have to empty the shavings almost every day.

Who could have predicted that a stick of cedar seven inches long would be so useful for so many years to so many people: writers and editors, teachers and test takers, artists and composers, carpenters and puzzle masters?

Perhaps the greatest virtue of the pencil is its abundance. I’m never more than ten feet from a pencil. Almost three billion of them are manufactured every year in America alone.

The pencil is a good metaphor for one of the most treasured of character traits: availability. If I want to be a more valuable and useful person, I need to be more available.

“Will you teach my Sunday school class while I’m on vacation?”

“Yes, I can do that.”

“Can I talk to you for a few minutes; it’s important.”

“Sure, have a seat.”

“Could you give me a hand with these groceries?”

“You bet.”

I don’t need a college degree, movie-star looks or money in the bank to be more useful. I just need to be handy.

When I say yes , I become a pencil in the hand of God and He can write His story through me.

Yes, God, whatever You want me to do today, the answer is yes .

By Daniel Schantz

Liam the Leprechaun

Please be warned that this post is inappropriate.

Leading up to St. Patrick's Day, Noah's preschool went all out with a leprechaun named Liam. Liam left footprints all over the church, left gold chocolate coins and leprechaun letters everywhere. When St. Patrick's Day actually came Liam left them a huge pot of gold.

All of the kids in the class have been blaming Liam for EVERYTHING. When Noah is in the car with me he blames Liam when the volume goes down on the radio. When Noah can't find a shoe he swears Liam hid it from him. His teachers tried to tell him that Liam went back to Ireland after St. Patrick's Day but Noah doesn't believe them.

The other night Noah was sitting at the kitchen Island with us. He would not get his hand out of his pants. This is a common problem when he has his pajamas on because he won't wear underwear to bed. So, we kept asking him politely to keep his hands out of his pants. Finally he shrieked in exasperation: I can't!! Liam the Leprechaun is in my penis and he keeps tickling me!!!!

Paul and I had to leave the room.

I texted his teacher to let her know that Liam had not yet gone to Ireland. She thought it was hilarious as well!!!!!