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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Animal Nature

So, as stated in the last post, the kids play well together. We were upstairs cleaning and the kids were very quiet. We came downstairs and they were playing so nicely together... it just melted my heart!!! Maeve is learning to love animals like Noah basically because she doesn't have a choice! Granted he gave her all of the B list animals and saved the best for his treehouse, but it was still super cute!

And here they are BEING animals!!! They love to be in the dog's crate!!!

Our Snuggle Bunnies

Our little ones are etched in their current tastes.  Noah is wearing his PJ Rex jammies that glow in the dark with his newly acquired fleece dino blanket.  Maeve is in her owl jammies (pair #1 of 800) and her baby shower gift fleece blanket.  They both have to be on the couch matching.  It is super cute...When one hops on the other has to as well.

Maeve and Noah are quite the pals these days, playing for endless hours and really truly enjoying each other's company.  I am sure it won't always be like this, but for now, it's pretty freaking great!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fastest Snowball in the East

All day Saturday we watched as the snow fell outside the windows.  It was so pretty!  We were busy doing house projects and the kids never asked to go out.  Noah even started playing "snow day" but still never mentioned going out.  At 4pm I decided it was my responsibility to take them outside, so I got everyone suited up and Paul and I went out to play with the kids.  It took about 10-15 minutes to get everyone dressed.  (Note:  This is the same snow bunny outfit M had last year, we saved it and it still fit!!! so glad we got two years of use out of it!!!)

We headed out the door, tried to make some snow balls and ran around for a bit.  Noah and I decided to make a snow octopus because the snow wasn't heavy enough for a snowman.

Then Noah spied some big snow balls at the library from the snow plows.  He went over to pick them up and each one crumbled as he lifted it.

This repeated event broke his spirit and he was ready to go inside.  I made hot chocolate and we were done with our snow play date completely (hot chocolate and all) by 4:40.