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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting ready for Easter

We are very busy around here getting ready for Easter.  Holidays are a much bigger deal with children! Noah's preschool had an Easter party and the kids each brought an egg carton filled with 12 eggs.  The kids each had to fill their own carton after the eggs were hidden.  Brilliant.  No fighting, no fast kids get all the eggs.  Then they had a little party afterwards and Maeve tried to steal some eggs, sly girl.
We spent some time at home dying eggs and enjoying different things to do with the dye and wax crayons.  We tied rubber bands on some, wrote secret words on others and tried to tye dye some of them.
We watched an animated version of the Easter story for Preschoolers and that was much more difficult than I had anticipated.  Noah asked 8 million questions about why they crucified Jesus, why Judas betrayed him, why he was flogged, etc.  I just kept thinking how much easier Christmas was!  But, I know that eventually he will understand what it all means and then I will be grateful I didn't hide the story from him. 

Noah's school also had picture day last week so we got Maeve and Noah adorable matching outfits for Easter and their pictures.  I'll post better outfit photos on Easter, but here is a sneak peek of out cute they looked!!!


It was amazing at our Wednesday night elementary club to see how many children had NEVER heard the resurrection story.  As we taught the lesson, the children were in AWE and it was amazing to see them make those connections.  We are very excited for Easter Sunday and proclaiming the resurrection with our family and we just hope our children will grow to know the amazing power of this event!