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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


For Noah's 4th birthday we bought him a self sustaining Frog Environment with 2 African Dwarf Frogs.  The disclaimer shared that they had a lifespan of 1-2 years.  Noah named them Tig and Tog.  Each Thursday he and Paul would feed the frogs, as directed. A few weeks ago we found that one of the frogs had died in the tank.  Noah was a bit disturbed but generally okay.  A few days later we passed a cemetery and Noah completely broke down sobbing hysterically for about a half hour about Tig (apparently he knew who was who).  He was so sad for Tog and so sad that Tig wouldn't be able to swim around anymore and that Tog would be lonely.   He really truly was having a terrible time dealing with all of this.  I said many things that I have absorbed through my life about heaven and God but I wasn't quite sure about what I was saying.  I certainly don't know tough answers when it comes to animals and pets, but I did tell Noah about the wonderful place called heaven.  He was a little calmer and then insisted we bury Tig.  So, Paul lifted him out of the tank and dug a hole in the back yard and Noah made his tombstone.  RIP Tig.