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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Duck for President

Last week Noah and I ventured with his PreSchool to go to the DuPont Theater to see Duck for President.  It was very exciting for us!  Noah and I went alone into Wilmington all dressed up.  We entered the grand DuPont hotel and looked for the theater which was beautiful!  As we sat and waited I was so grateful to God for the amazing experiences I get to have with my kids.  I feel so blessed! 

The show was a culmination of a few children's books brought to life to try to convince a young boy interested in video games to return to reading.  Essentially it was a series of "shorts."  The titles were:  Duck For President, Fancy Nancy, Pirates Don't change Diapers, I have to Go, Babymouse: The Musical and Alfred the Worst Monster Ever.  The website called it a "storysalad!"

Noah loved each show and he said that the Pirates who don't change diapers was his favorite.  My favorite was Fancy Nancy.

What a great day!