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Friday, December 18, 2009

Maeve 6 months

Well, 6 months isn't officially until Sunday, but somehow I think I'll be pretty busy as the weekend draws to an end.

My sweet little girl gets sweeter every day. She seems to be in less pain and just much more adjusted than she ever has. She is sooooo happy and just the smiley-est thing ever. Maeve wakes in the morning and from almost every nap with sweet noises and happy smiles. Even if she's sad, when you pick her up she tries to smile at you.

She is sitting up now, a little floppy, but up nonetheless. She is very interested in her toys now and draws everything to her mouth, especially people's hands and fingers. She's rolling, mostly in her crib. She babbles often and has a hearty chuckle that is wonderful. We all swear that sometimes she says hi unintentionally.

Her favorite thing to do (which was also Noah's favorite) is the door swing. She will bounce in there for an hour and just smile and giggle away.

She has always been a homebody, much more comfortable in her own space, but she hasn't left the house much at all in the past month because of my injury and she is pretty happy to just be home all the time.

She continues to be enamored by Noah and watches his every move. She snuggles with him more each day and just beams at him. We think that one of two things could happen... she could continue in this set up and follow him around like a little pup, happy as can be to be the little sister, or she could develop a defiance that wants to go her own way which Noah would not like at all. We don't see traces of the latter yet, but who knows, she's just a baby!

She sometimes struggles with eating and refuses to eat more than a bit at a time and other times she is voracious and guzzles, but she is getting better each day with that. She hasn't yet refused a food or really shown a preference. She is a spitter however and so whatever she eats usually ends up all over all of us.

It is an awesome feeling to have these two little people in our life. I sit in bed in the morning and marvel at my family...I have a family of my own! I am so happy with our little clan and the love that we all share for each other. Even though Maeve is just little, she is absolutely a huge part of this beautiful family and we are all so blessed to know this awesome little girl! Happy 6 months sweetie!!!!


Amma and Afi

Congratulations! Six months and counting. What a beauty! All our love, Amma and Afi

Megan Mackie

she is getting so big i cant believe it! this time last year i was saying how i didnt want to get off the couch because i could lay there and feel alexis moving and thats when you told me you were pregnant! and now alexis is 7-1/2 months and maeve is 6? where in the world did the time go?