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Friday, October 23, 2009

How do you like these apples?

This year we joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm share. In the spring we paid for our share of fruit and vegetables for the summer. We had no idea what we were doing, just that we thought it would be good to buy local and pesticide free. The summer has proven to be so incredibly amazing. The flavors of all of our food have been unimaginable. Raw broccoli tastes like a gourmet food! Noah has been a part of his food in a much more active way. He helps to shave carrots (which are purple, orange and white!). He picks green peas, lima beans and edamame (and loves all of them!). We have had so many new foods we had never heard of.

The fruit has been incredible as well. We have been so enlightened, especially by the Asian Pears. I don't know that I had ever had one before and the flavor of them is soooo sweet and wonderful. This week in our share the fruit was so full and large. The pictures show a grocery store sized apple next to our CSA fruit.

We only have a few more weeks left and I am going to be so sad until next June comes around again. If there is a CSA in your area, I highly recommend it!!