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Friday, June 5, 2009

34 Weeks

I don't have a ton to write, but I am so bored that I figured it wouldn't hurt to blog a little bit.

I am on my third week of bedrest.  I can't say that I hate it completely.  I actually feel very blessed to have this time to prepare for my second child because I know I wouldn't have had time to do certain things if I wasn't shackled to my couch.  My scrapbooks are up to date, I've sewn a lot, I've made the baby some blocks, and I'm almost done making a quilt.  I am so happy to have had the time to do those things.  Paul and I have watched a horde of movies.... almost one per night.  I've seen many of my friends more often because they are dropping in to check on me (it's rare that people know where I am and now I'm easy to find!).  We have been so blessed to receive food from sooo many people. The days where I don't see anyone are tough and I'm starved for interaction by the time Paul gets home.  

I do think the bedrest was necessary.  When I do too much I can feel my whole stomach tighten and I know that three weeks ago would have been way to early to have a baby.  I go back to the doctor next Thursday and I will be 35 weeks at that point.  I'm hoping that I will get a green light to be off of bedrest because the baby's lungs will be developed by that point.  Over the past two days I have had a lot of cramping and back pain, but it has been very inconsistent and though it is frequent it has consistently gone away.  If I am really in labor it will only get worse. I have read plenty of stories, though, of women who thought it would be much worse and ended up having their babies on the way or 10 minutes after being at the hospital.... oh, I hope that doesn't happen!!!!

It is weird though because it is soooo different than it was with Noah.  With him I was in a meeting at work the night my water broke.  I was so active and busy right up until the last second.  With this one I am forced to sit around, but there are definitely times when the cramping and pain make it impossible to do anything else.  I never had that with him.

So, that's enough rambling for now.  Paul just got home from the store with my quilting pencils and I'm off to play......