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Saturday, April 25, 2009

That trip down memory lane...

I know it's sort of cliche, but how can you help it? Tomorrow my baby turns three. It is unbelievable to me. For some reason this birthday feels like a much much bigger deal. He has such an awareness that he didn't have before. He knows this is his birthday. He is excited. He goes through every day saying, No Mommy, I do it. He gets dressed and undressed, uses the bathroom all by himself, he can eat with utensils and drink from a normal cup. He speaks in complete and complex sentences. He read Humpty Dumpty to me tonight.

I am so amazed at the little boy he has become. He is so incredibly loving and gives huge and strong hugs to EVERYBODY! Sometimes we go through the grocery store and he just hugs me the whole way through telling me how much he loves me. He is obsessed with animals. Trucks, trains, art.... all of that is fine and dandy, but animals move him. He seeks them out and loves each and every one. We go on morning walks to say hi to the robins and the squirrels. He remembers the exact bushes along our path that the bunnies came out of.

He has the greatest imagination ever. His teacher at school told me that since the first day he came there he believes there is an imaginary mouse outside their classroom window. He has convinced the whole class it lives there and they all look for it every morning. Even the days he isn't there, other kids now look for Noah's mouse.

I could go on and on about how amazing he is, but I guess you gather that from our every day stories and posts. So, here is my little man, from birth to age THREE!!!!!

April 26, 2006

10:21 pm

a few days old...

first Christmas

first birthday

first time at the beach -- 14 months

2nd Christmas -- 19 months

2nd birthday -- Barnyard Bash

Valentine's Day 2009 -- 34 months old...



Wow! He's changed so much! What did you guys do yesterday? Happy Birthday, Noah!