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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

24 Weeks

6 months! Time is flying right by!!! At the next doctor's appointment I will be in my third trimester. Woohoo!!!!

Since the last visit I have grown tremendously! The baby has gotten so much bigger and I am most definitely very pregnant. It happened in the span of 2-3 weeks and it was amazing. The baby is now about 8 inches long and a little over a pound. The doctor moved my due date up about a week and that puts us at July 6th. I'm hoping for June 30th. I don't want a 4th of July baby or a baby on Paul's birthday (the 5th). I'm still 20 lbs less than last time, but gaining more quickly than I had hoped. The doctor is thrilled with where my weight gain is, but I'm not. Oh well, I know I'm eating well and exercising. I haven't touched ice cream and have been very careful about what I eat. I am excited for it to warm up just a little bit more so that I can be outside for walks and play time more often.

We decided to go ahead and find out the gender, which will happen this Saturday, March 21st. We are going to a 3d/4d ultrasound site and it is 100% guaranteed for gender or you can come back. We'll get a video and some pics and we are super excited because the short 3d/4d preview we had before was awesome. The pics always look a little creepy to me, but watching the baby move was so amazing. We also thought it would be cool to share the video with our parents who didn't really have ultrasounds the way we do. What will they have when our kids are grown? In any case, tune in on Saturday (or Sunday) to find out what the baby is!

Still no decisions made on the room... that will all happen after this weekend. I have some time off after Easter as well and I think that will be baby room time.

Stay tuned for a belly picture once I get my camera all set up today!!!



We can't wait to hear whether you're having a boy or girl. So happy that you're feeling well!!

Love - Doug, Lisa and Adin


OH HOW EXCITING! I can't WAIT to find out what you are having!!!! I can't believe time has just flown by so fast already... June will be here quick!