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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

13 weeks

I opted for the 13 week TriScan which is an early test that is non-invasive to detect abnormalities.  It involved a blood test and an hour long ultrasound.  It was great to see the baby moving all around again.  But, what she found was what the doctors thought might happen.  There was one fibroid tumor in the lining of my uterus that seemed that it could interfere.  As it turns out the placenta implanted right on top of this fibroid which is exactly what the doctor was hoping wouldn't happen.  So, now I have to go for upper level ultrasounds next month to watch it.  The danger is that the placenta might not grow as it should if the tumor gets in the way.  At this point I'll just be monitored.  YUCK!

So, on a lighter note, here's the little cutie pie!!!



I'm praying for you and the baby! This is definitely something to test the faith a bit, huh?

Love you!