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Friday, December 5, 2008

8.5 weeks

Yipppeee!!! We got to see our little one this week on an ultrasound. I was measuring 8 weeks 4 days when I had it at 8 weeks 1 day, so essentially, right on schedule. That keeps the due date at July 15th. Paul's birthday is the 5th and I hope it doesn't happen then. The heart rate was 160 bpm, which is exactly what it was for Noah at his first appointment. The tech said everything looked normal, except some of the old fibroid tumors have grown. She saw 4 small ones and then one large one. The larger one will continue to be monitored because there is a chance the plancenta could implant on the wall where the fibroid is which could cause low birth weight. I just have to go for some extra ultrasound later on to see what is going on.

Last week it seemed as though the nausea was letting up a little bit but now it has taken a turn for the worse. I went from Unisom/Vitamin B to these B-natal drops the doctor reccomended and after spending this morning vomiting I finally broke down and got the prescription. I was hoping not to have to do that but I really need to be able to function! Last night I sat here on the couch absolutely famished but everything I looked at to eat made me sick. Finally some pistachio's sounded appealing and I managed to keep them down.

I keep telling Noah I have a belly ache and so he kisses my belly and makes a silly smile and says "I make you happy, Mommy?" and of course it brings a smile to my face. We keep asking him if he wants a baby and he always says no.

So, we'll see how this week goes with the medicine. I'll keep you posted, even though you can't read this anyway!