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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome to the Club

That's what everyone keeps saying to me. Welcome to the club of being 30. Most people say that their thirties have been great so far. You're more sure of yourself, you have more of an identity, you're more established. Some of the middle aged folks I know chuckled with the memory of never trusting someone over 30.

Overall, it was a pretty mellow event. Friday night Paul took me for an amazing meal the Farmhouse Restaurant -- a place we've wanted to go for a while. When we got there one of my friends had a bouquet of orchids and purple roses placed on our table. At first I thought it was from Paul and I got all tearyeyed but he told me to check the card... it was from Yaz. Still beautiful and so thoughtful. We had the best dinner --- pure crab, filet, Paul had ostrich... and I had a delightful Praline Ice Cream Cake for dessert.

Saturday morning Noah slept until 9 AM which is completely unheard of. He then crawled into our bed and we just snuggled for a while. I knew something was up when Paul said he wanted to clean the house for me for my birthday. He vacuumed and dusted and organized and even cleaned off his desk which he NEVER does. At about 12 he asked if I wanted to go out to lunch and we went to a local sandwich shop. While we were there Paul's phone rang and it was his mom (who lives 2 hours away and was just there the previous weekend). She was at the house. I knew then that something was going on. We headed home and on the way Paul told me that he had planned an informal Wine and Cheese Open House. When we got home, people slowly trickled in with bottles of wine and blocks of cheese and gifts and lots of hugs and love. Family members, new and old friends and a lot of my favorite people. The night lasted a long time with people coming and going, Paul broke out the Icelandic Vodka and we ordered a pizza. I think the open house ended at 10 or 11.

I got my dream gifts-- a new telephoto lens for my camera that zooms into nosehair detail from Paul and an awesome external flash from my parents and brother. Noah sang me Happy Birthday all day long and sometimes got confused and said Happy Halloween.

It was really a great day... and the only real change that I feel is pressing the 30 instead of 29 into the ellipitical trainer each morning.... and it makes me smile.