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Friday, October 31, 2008


So, like many of you, we have been entranced by this election. We read every article and listen to every political show. We are excited and involved.

Today I was at the gym and I was eavesdropping on some older men who were psuedo-weightlifting. I was AMAZED at how direct their speech was out of the media. Neither party used their own language, instead they used the EXACT words of the media!!!! It seemed that 2 of them were for Obama and 1 for McCain and it went something like this....

M: You can't vote for Obama, he'll redistribute your wealth!
O: I don't have any wealth! Do you want to have another 4 more years of Bush?
M: McCain isn't more Bush, he's a maverick and has the record to prove it!
O: I am looking for change.
M: You just wait, you'll get change, but it might not be change for the good!
O: Obama is going to cut taxes on social security and help with my health benefits.
M: He's not going to cut taxes, he says he is but it is all lies. He is lying about everything he says.
O: Well, I'm excited no matter what you say. Obama promises no income tax for seniors making less than $50,000 and that includes me.
M: We'll talk about this again when Obama takes all the money out of all of your bank accounts and you won't know what happened. You can't trust him, I tell ya.

I'm dead serious. How many of these words were put directly into their mouths! I wonder what an election would look like WITHOUT the oversaturation of media.....