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Monday, July 14, 2008

Eat Pray Love

This is my current recommendation for a book. It took me forever to get through because my life is hectic, but I loved it and tell everyone to read it. Some of my favorite quotes/sections:

(i realized when i was done with this post that it is REALLY long, but I love every quote and it is really sort of a log for me because I am going to give the book away so someone else can learn and grow from it. So, feel free to ignore this post or scroll back for less challenging words.)

p. 57

We just learned the other day that un'amica stretta means "a close friend" (in Italian). But stretta literally means tight, as in clothing, like a tight skirt. So, a close friend in Italian is one that you can wear tightly against your skin.

p. 47
They they (Loneliness and Depression) frisk me. They empty my pockets of any joy I had been carrying there. Depression even confiscates my identity; but he always does that. Then loneliness starts interrogating me, which I dread because it always goes on for hours. He's polite but relentless and always trips me up eventually. .... I walk back home trying to shake them, but they keep following me, those two goons. Depression has a firm handle on my shoulder and loneliness harangues me with interrogation. Depression, he's got a billy club, so there's no stopping him from coming in if he decides that he wants to.

p. 86
I collapse into tears. I mean wailing -- I mean that terrible ragged breed of bawling my friend Sally calls "double pumpin it" when you have to inhale two desperate gasps of oxygen with every sob. I choke forth an apology for being such a mess. ... He says "Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots."

p. 90
A family in my sister's neighborhood was recently stricken with a double tradgedy, when both a young mother and her three year old were stricken with cancer. When she told me about this, all I could say was "dear God this family needs grace." She replied firmly, "that family needs casseroles," and then proceeded to organize the entire neighborhood into dinner shifts for an entire year. I do not know if my sister fully recognizes that this is grace.

p. 95
Virginia Woof wrote "Across the broad continent of a woman's life falls the shadow of the sword." on one side of that sword there lies convention and tradition and order where "all is correct." But on the other side of that sword, if you are crazy enough to cross it and choose a life that does not follow convention, "all is confusion. Nothing follows a regular course." Her argument was that the crossing of the shadow of that sword may bring a far more interesting existence to a woman, but it will also be more perilous.

p. 132
like most humanoids, I am burdened with what Buddhists call "monkey mind" -- the thoughts swing from limb to limb, stopping only to scratch themselves, spit and howl. From the distant past to the unknowable future, my mind swings wildly through time, touching on dozens of ideas per minute, unharnessed and undisciplined. This in itself is not necessarily the problem, the problem is the emotional attachment that goes along with the thinking. Happy thoughts make me happy and then whoop! how quickly I swing again into obsessive worry, blowing the mood; and then there's the remembrance of the angry moment and then I get hot and pissed off all over again....

p. 175
The search for God is the reversal of the normal, mundane worldly order. In the search for God you revert from what attracts you and swim toward that which is difficult. You abandon your comforting and familiar habits with the hope (the mere hope) that something greater will be offered you in return for what you've given up. ...We all agree it would be easier to sleep in, and many of us do, but for millenia there have been others who choose instead to get up before the sun and wash their faces and go to their prayers. And then try fiercely to hold on to their devotional convictions throughout the lunacy of another day.

The devout of this world perform their rituals without guarantee that anything good will ever come of it. ..... but even to believe all of this is an act of faith, because nobody amongst us is shown the endgame. Devotion is diligence without assurance.

p. 329
The Zen Buddhists believe that an oak tree is brought into creation by two forces at the same time. Obviously there is an acorn from which it all begins, the seed which grows into the tree. But only a few can recognize that there is another force operating here as well-- the future tree itself, which wants so badly to exist that it pulls the acorn into being, drawing the seedling forth with longing out of the void, guiding the evolution from nothingness into maturity. I think about this woman I have become and how much I always wanted to be this person and live this life, liberated from the farce of pretending to be anyone other than myself. I think of everything I have endured before getting here and wonder if it was me who pulled the other younger, struggling me forward during all those hard years.

My Heart Stopped

Today we were at another party (I know, I know) and kids were everywhere. At least 20 of them. It was at a house we play at all the time and Noah loves to be there. The mom had set up a pool in the backyard and people were starting to head out to swim and play. Noah could see the pool but we weren't ready to go out yet. He kept asking to go and I kept telling him -- patience, patience. I was standing 5 feet from him in the kitchen area and he was looking out a pair of closed double doors without a deck. The next thing I know someone is yelling "Stephanie!" at the top of their lungs and I look over to Noah to see him begin to take a step out of the doors. He had opened both the french door and the screen door. He was about 15-20 feet up off the ground. My heart completely stopped. I froze motionless. I was so afraid that if I went toward him he would jump because he clearly thought it would be harmless. I had no idea what to do and another Mom we know was a bit closer and grabbed him from the other side. She gave him to me and I just clutched him so tight and started sobbing. I can't imagine what would have happened had he jumped. I'm still so scared and afraid. I have always loved that he is so independent and doesn't cling to me all the time but today my heart is filled with fear about the thought of life without my little boy.

I was a little overemotional and I asked the mom who owned the house if her setup was legal. But I also know that there are LOTS of unsafe things in my house and I really believe that you can't keep a child from every danger. Her kids know better because they live there and I totally get that.. Noah is just a little persistent when he wants something!

Thank you God for my little boy and for the mom who was closer to snag him. I know he will do many more stunts in his childhood that will stop my heart and I just pray that God brings us through them all alive and healthy.

In Case you didn't know...

you can leave comments!! Ok, you probably new that. But I know there are a bunch of you reading this stuff because I have a counter and lots of people check in daily! But I don't know who! I changed the settings so anyone can comment and you can also comment on the photos on Flickr. I love comments, just to have some two way communication! Please!!!!!!!



Sunday we organized a surprise baby shower for my friend Erin who is due any day now. It was a huge hit!!! Erin is a singer and when she found out that Paul recently got Rock Band she couldn't wait to come over and sing. We invited her and another couple over on Sunday "to play Rock Band" except that it was really for Erin's shower. We invited lots of people, had lots of food and drink, sprinklers for the kids set up -- everything. And then Erin decided she wasn't coming! Late Saturday night I got an email from her saying that her mom was still in town and they just didn't know their plans and they'd have to reschedule!!! 33 people were coming to my house on Sunday!!! Sunday morning at 8, I got a phone call from her husband telling me not to worry, that he would make it happen. So, right on time, they showed up and she noticed all of these people from Mom's Club and Swimming and she freaked out! She was dressed to go to Wal-Mart! Her mom snuck her make up bag in the car (she also knew about the surprise) and Erin kept saying to her hubby "why didn't you tell me!" It turned out to be a fantastic afternoon. Any day now Baby Smith!!!

(can you tell this was a busy week around here?)

Kiss Me?

Friday, Noah was invited to a Prince and Princesses party. Hayley was turning four and there would be no end to the tiaras and plastic high heels. It said on the invite -- Hayley requests that you dress up. When I got it, I thought it was really cute and I was thinking of all sorts of ways to make Noah into the cutest prince ever. I looked at a couple stores and there were no boy's prince things... only girl's princess things. And then I forgot. Friday at 2:45 (party at 3:30) I quickly scrambled to find a gift bag and get ready and then I remembered the dress up caveat. Oops. I thought about heading to the Burger King Drive-through and then I got a burst of inspiration. I just recently bought Noah a frog towel. I dashed upstairs, grabbed the towel, some paper and a marker and this is what I came up with. He didn't get any kisses though. :(

(For just one kiss, I could be your prince!)

Needless to say he didn't like wearing the towel in the 95 degree weather but it did get a few good chuckles. The kids ran and played forever through this amazing property. They really looked like little fairies in the woods with all of their dresses and wands.

Noah ended up finding the fish pond and the fish food and dumped the container on the ground, over fed the fish and tried desperately to go swimming with them. Many tantrums later, we (not-so) gracefully exited dreamland. Maybe next time!

Momma's Night Out

Thursday night was our "new board welcome dinner" for Moms Club. It's such a weird interaction for me because I am not a stay at home mom. Some of the other moms work part time, but I think I am the only full time mom. But although there are sometimes some unintentional comments about moms who "let their kids in daycare" it is all in all a wonderful relationship. We searched for so long to have some friends in our town. We met one couple with "potential" and they moved shortly thereafter (because of us? hmmmm...). I would go to the Y and walk through town and see tons of other mothers but never get to know them. Finally at a halloween party at our neighbor's house we met the president of the mom's club and she completely drew me in to the group. I have met some amazing friends -- ones that I hope to keep for quite some time.

So when this year's elections came around for officers, I decided to be the secretary. Because I needed another thing to do.. haa haa. No, I really wanted to help out however I could to thank some women and an organization that helped me through so many things.

Our dinner Thursday was at a nice, local restaurant and we sat and talked from 6:30 until the restaurant closed.... well after 10:00. I walked away just knowing that God answered all of my prayers for new friends.

Old Friends

Make new friends, keep the old
One is silver and the other is gold

I felt so lucky last week to be able to hang out with some of my best friends... I had lunch with Erin on Tuesday (we've been friends for over 20 years!) and Amy came over with baby Cora on Thursday (about 15 years!). Gosh those numbers make me feel old! Then this week I'm headed to CO to visit with another awesome friend Jenn (17 years!). It feels so good to have people who know me through and through, who can share those old silly memories that don't make sense to anyone else.

Noah was obsessed with the baby and loved her to pieces. He offered her his chalk and he gave her kisses. I got a baby blanket out for her that day and ever since he has been walking around the house with it saying "This baby's blanket." Maybe someday he'll do okay with a sibling. It's me I'm more worried about! For now I'll just visit with friend's babies!