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Friday, August 14, 2009


Many children have trouble sharing. Noah has had his fair share of difficulties with letting people touch his things, but Maeve.... she gets everything! he would share his ice cream, pizza, and raisins with Maeve if he could. Here he is sharing his absolute favorite animals (note: Justin, notice your two new animals in there along with the white doggie you gave him hidden under the pile! Afi, the golden doggy is yours and the blue bear is from Eric.) Oh, Maeve is under there two. She is getting to the stage where she knows who Noah is and smiles when he comes near her. I love it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Friends are Friends Forever

Ok, so I had to title it that... ages ago we used to sing the song by Michael W. Smith "friends are friends forever if the Lord is the Lord of them, a friend will not say never and the welcome will not end...." It is really how I encapsulate my friendships with the menschies. Camp Mensch Mill drew us all together so many years ago (some of us even before that at Fernbrook) and somehow our friendships have lasted. It is crazy to think that we are entering the age of marriage and kids, or at least thinking about them and that through all of this we are still friends.

We get together over Christmas, birthdays, random events, parties... we all rally as often as we can and it is always great to see each other. This weekend we had a crew at our house to catch up and it was wonderful. There is no need to explain your life story, just sit back and relax with the people who have known you for 15 years or more. It was very special to see some of our kids interact this weekend as well. I hope they come to know friendships like we do.

Thanks for making the trek guys and I can't wait to see you again!!!!! MUAH!

last reunion at Camp Mensch Mill

partay at Erin's

Amy Fream's wedding