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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

14 weeks

I know I just posted 13 weeks, but I'm a little behind!!!!  

Everything is moving along just fine.  I told my board of elders last night and I will tell the congregation on Sunday.  It's nerve wracking to stand in front of a large group and share something like that!  Oh well, it must be done.  It's a good thing because I am really starting to feel pregnant.  I'm still in all of my old clothes, but they are getting a little snug and today for the first time I really started to feel a little bigger.  I know it isn't horribly evident from the outside, but if you compare my original pics to now there is certainly something growing!  

I go to the doctor again next week for my 15 week check up and I will ask more about the tumors then because stupid me starting looking on the internet which was NOT a good idea!  

We got a Wii Fit for Christmas and I have really grown attached to it over the past two weeks doing yoga, strength training and mii aerobics.  It makes it so much easier to work out because it tracks my progress and I can do it all at home.  I'm pretty sure it will be my motivation throughout the pregnancy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

13 weeks

I opted for the 13 week TriScan which is an early test that is non-invasive to detect abnormalities.  It involved a blood test and an hour long ultrasound.  It was great to see the baby moving all around again.  But, what she found was what the doctors thought might happen.  There was one fibroid tumor in the lining of my uterus that seemed that it could interfere.  As it turns out the placenta implanted right on top of this fibroid which is exactly what the doctor was hoping wouldn't happen.  So, now I have to go for upper level ultrasounds next month to watch it.  The danger is that the placenta might not grow as it should if the tumor gets in the way.  At this point I'll just be monitored.  YUCK!

So, on a lighter note, here's the little cutie pie!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What do you think?

Noah made this and said it looked like me.... What do you think?