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Friday, March 5, 2010

Valentine's Day

This is super late, but I just wanted to share.  This is the adorable valentine box Noah made at preschool this year.  It's a tissue box that they called their monster box.  So much cuter than the brown paper bags I remember!!! We gave the cutest home made valentines -- they said "So glad you're in my school" with pictures of fish and then we attached mini bags of sweedish fish to them!!


Yes, they do conferences in pre-school.  Each child is evaluated in ten different categories and the parent must meet with the teacher.  I had my meeting today with Noah's teacher and I was nervous!!!  I shared with her some of the boundary issues we have and I wondered how he was doing.  She gave him an "excellent" in every category and swears that in all of her years of teaching she has NEVER seen a child as loving and compassionate as Noah.  She said he pays very close attention to every story and is worried about the characters in the books, that he cares for each child and is concerned for them if they are sad or left out.  She has no issues with him in any category and is just amazed at the depth of love for his classmates.  When Noah comes into her classroom, it just brightens her day.  Yippee!!!

Ready Set....

Almost crawling!  We are up on all fours and rocking!!!!


While we were watching US versus Canada in the Olympics, Maeve was happily chewing on a spoon until she found her own Olympic Event -- foot gnawing.  

Leaning Tower of Maevey

Sunday, February 28, 2010

First Bath Together

Noah generally showers with us and Maeve was mostly in the baby bath, but one snowy day this week I thought it would be fun for everyone to take a bath.  Noah loved the idea.  I put a teeny bit of water in the tub and some toys for Maeve.  Noah hopped right in and was so excited.  For a long time they just sat facing each other and smiling and playing.  Maeve went to lunge for a toy Noah had and fell on her belly and Noah was so overwhelmed that Maeve was in his space! He wasn't mad, but he just wasn't sure what to do with her and started laughing hysterically.  She started laughing and kicking and splashing.  It was adorable to see them play together for so long in the bath.  When Maeve was all dried off in her towel and I was in her room, Noah came over and said "Mommy, I just lover her so much."  I would love to imagine it'll always be this way!!!