Well, we had our first doctor's appointment this week which was pretty underwhelming. It was just time to review the family history and make sure no one came down with any serious diseases that I might have contracted since Noah was born. We reviewed deli meat and soft cheese, oh joy.
I did manage to convince the nurse to order me an ultrasound to get an accurate due date and so next Thursday we will get to see what this little one is doing. I can't wait for that!
So far, things are still going very well. My nausea isn't as bad. As long as I take my vitamins first thing in the morning, I can make it through the day. I don't feel bloated or anything, really. I'm just completely exhausted and still having a hard time with meat.
I've been going along with the not-pregnant story pretty well. I have a few bottles of non-alcoholic wine that are horrible and I manage to pour myself a glass of that when others are drinking. No one asks twice and so far, no one has offered to pour me a drink. Phew! I've still been able to eat very healthy and exercise which has been a huge blessing for still feeling somewhat normal.
We plan to tell people in December sometime. We hope to give the family gifts to reveal our secret and tell a few friends here and there around the holidays. We'll tell the church in the new year. That will only leave about 6 months left for a "public" pregnancy which is still a long time but not as long as 9!
We'll update you more after the ultrasound!!!
and also in september
3 months ago