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Saturday, November 29, 2008

7.5 Weeks

Well, we had our first doctor's appointment this week which was pretty underwhelming. It was just time to review the family history and make sure no one came down with any serious diseases that I might have contracted since Noah was born. We reviewed deli meat and soft cheese, oh joy.

I did manage to convince the nurse to order me an ultrasound to get an accurate due date and so next Thursday we will get to see what this little one is doing. I can't wait for that!

So far, things are still going very well. My nausea isn't as bad. As long as I take my vitamins first thing in the morning, I can make it through the day. I don't feel bloated or anything, really. I'm just completely exhausted and still having a hard time with meat.

I've been going along with the not-pregnant story pretty well. I have a few bottles of non-alcoholic wine that are horrible and I manage to pour myself a glass of that when others are drinking. No one asks twice and so far, no one has offered to pour me a drink. Phew! I've still been able to eat very healthy and exercise which has been a huge blessing for still feeling somewhat normal.

We plan to tell people in December sometime. We hope to give the family gifts to reveal our secret and tell a few friends here and there around the holidays. We'll tell the church in the new year. That will only leave about 6 months left for a "public" pregnancy which is still a long time but not as long as 9!

We'll update you more after the ultrasound!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great low-key holiday here. With half the number of the normal crowd, things were pretty calm which was wonderful! But, somehow we managed to have hordes of food anyway. Noah slept through most of the feast and his cousins anxiously waited for him to come and play. When he finally woke up the boys all ran outside to play (it was about 60 degrees).

Vying for the wishbone

My little pilgrim (he looks ghetto but he is just sleepy)

And then, at the end of the night, we snuggled Noah up in his new jammies and tied the legs together. All, good old Templin Ashford fun....

We are so thankful for so many things... our amazing family, our absolutely precious little boy, and just so many of the comforts we so easily forget about.

The Sweetest Happiest Baby!!!!

We were so lucky to have our friends Doug and Lisa here from Seattle last weekend and even luckier to finally meet baby Adin. He is soooo sweet! He giggled and laughed the whole time, kicking his feet wildly with joy. He was one of the happiest babies I've ever seen, often just sitting and grinning from ear to ear. We were out in Seattle when Noah was exactly Adin's age (about 8 months) and so it was neat to compare them a little bit. Noah didn't seem to mind the baby. He wanted to hug him and kiss him a lot and we pulled out some baby toys with Adin which Noah wanted to play with a lot. Adin watched Noah's every move and wanted desperately to chase him around the house.

We also got some good grown up time to eat a nice meal and chit chat together. Sometimes it's great to catch up with old friends. Thanks for putting us on your travel plan Doug and Lisa!!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

6 weeks

So, we're 6 weeks along now and it is going slower than molasses. We haven't told anyone yet and we just want to announce it! I've been very good at drinking non-alcoholic wine (at my birthday and at all the girl's nights). I know many of my friends are just looking for a hint that I'm pregnant and it makes me smile to know my secret. But, as we watch some of our friends with two little ones we wonder how we will make it through. Life has become pretty darn easy with Noah and it will be a rude re-awakening to be up all night and not be able to communicate with the child for another year.

I've been pretty darn sick as well. Much more than with Noah. The nausea wakes me up at night and I spend many nights sleeping next to the toilet. Coffee and any meat products are unfathomable right now. I read online to take Unisom and B6 which my doc approved. They seemed to help a little bit so I'll stick to that before I head to any prescription meds.

We have our first doctor's appointment next Wednesday, November 26th where the blood test will be confirmed and we'll do prelim stuff. I'm guessing there will be no ultrasound, though I really wish there would be!

Where I've been...

Sorry I haven't been posting as much. My internet has been very touchy lately and often won't work. Both of our laptops are dying a slow and painful death.

In addition, the renovations on our house continue. We started working on this project LAST September. We had the back half of our house redone with new siding, windows, vents, etc. The contractor was so incredibly horrible and it took him 9 months to do the siding and windows. We couldn't do our part of the inside work until he was done the outside work. So, needless to say it has been a very slow process. I work most nights and often on the weekends and we can't work when Noah is awake so that gives us all of about 5 hours a week to work. We are hoping to be done by Thanksgiving because we're storing everything in the guest room and we have guests coming.

So, this is just a snap shot where we are. Hopefully there will be a finished picture soon. It doesn't look like that much, but we have added a window, torn down nasty panelling, uncovered a brick wall, built a closet, wired and networked the room, installed outlets and an overhead light, hung drywall, painted, repaired the ceiling, and this week we just had a contractor come in and refinish the floor (not visible in this pic!). So, we still have to do the molding which is all painted and ready to go and then we get to go shopping for a new couch and shelves. This room will be an office with both of our desks, our old TV, our treadmill and all of my scrapping stuff. I can't wait!!!!!!!