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Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Oh we had such a great day! Ina stayed over Christmas Eve and we stayed up til 2:30 working on last minute gifts and wrapping. When Noah woke up at 4 and 7 we were zombies! But, after the family showed up and our house was BOMBARDED by presents, we had so much fun! We let Noah go first and just kept piling presents on him. Poor guy got upset because every thing he saw had to be surgically removed from its package and took forever. He must have opened 40 presents! But then we saved our tricycle for last and he loved it so much. He just kept sitting on it and saying "ride it ride it" and we would push him around the house. sooo sweet!!! Then Noah took a nap and the adults exchanged gifts which was also so much fun! Paul got his banjo! I am so excited for him -- what a cool gift!! Eric got an infrared cooker and then we made our steak for dinner in it! Everyone was so happy and just glad to be together. I was still a little under the weather and tired but I enjoyed it all so much I didn't mind!

After everyone left, Eric and Crissy stayed and played the Wii and just relaxed with us. We feel so lucky to have them as friends as well as relatives!

Monday, December 24, 2007


ugh. i am so sick. i had my bausman kids over for lunch friday and i was FINE. then i was just sitting here at about dinner time and my throat just swelled shut and it was awful! i spent the whole night crying and writhing. I went to the doctor saturday morning and laid on the floor in the waiting room because I couldn't sit upright. The nurse yelled at me because i couldn't open my mouth for the strep test, but it turns out that is what it was. a "severe case" -- 3 days before christmas! i had to cancel my super fun dinner with my camp friends and i didn't even make it to church on sunday. i held a steady 103 fever for a while but finally it broke last night. i'm praying i can go tonight but there are no promises. thank god paul is so awesome... he's spending his break cleaning and baking and watching noah. poor guy.