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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Event #2

Today we had Easter at my mom's. It was great as always. Eric kept sticking eggs up Noah's shirt in the back and when they would fall out he would say "Noah, you laid an egg!" Of course Noah was spoiled as usual with lots of gifts and candy and Great Grandmom brought tons of eggs full of money and hid them for Noah! Lucky Kid.

Friday, March 21, 2008

A blessed time

Have a blessed Easter

Les Murray has written an Easter poem that I can picture the women who were at the tomb saying to one another years later, as they recount what happened that first day:

“Remember the day when life increased,
explainably or outright, was haloed in poignancy,

straight life, given not attained, unlurching ecstasy,
arrest of the guards for once, and ourself released,

splendour taking detail, beyond the laughter-and-tears
as if these were gateway to it, a still or moving utterness

in and all around us?”
(“Easter 1984”)

....remember the day when life increased...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Preparing for Easter

Paul tried to take Noah to a local egg hunt last Saturday but there were so many kids that Noah didn't stand a chance. There are a couple more this weekend but we'll be away. So, we decided to try to do it ourselves.. sort of! First, I got out some eggs and dyed them. I had a kit that had puff paint and so Noah and Asher decorated their already dyed eggs. They did really well. Then, when all the eggs were done, Noah wanted me to dye the plastic eggs too! How logical... eggs go in the dye. So, we dyed the plastic eggs too. I had filled a bag of plastic eggs with cheerios and raisins and we "hid" them in the living room (it was raining outside) and the boys walked around trying to find them. It was so sweet!

Luck O The Irish

We decided to have a last minute St. Patty's Day party on Monday night. Fish and Chips, Cornbeef and Cabbage and the best Guiness Cake with currants... oh it was all so good.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Trip to the Firehouse

On Friday the MOM's club took the kiddos to the Oxford Fire House. What a trip! Thank God they closed the doors to the bays, because Noah kept wanting to play in the street. But once we were inside, Noah pulled every hose and cord and pushed every button imaginable. The firefighters were so nice and let the kids play in the firetrucks. Each kid was encouraged to give the fireman a hug while he had his mask on so that they wouldn't be scared. At the end each child got a firefighter's hat to take home. Some of the older boys were completely in awe of the trucks, it was really cute. We had such a nice time.