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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blues Clues Live

On Tuesday we were invited to go and see Blues Clues Live with some friends of ours. I was hesitant at first but finally agreed Noah would like it. I was expecting a large scale event like you see on TV. We arrived at the Media Theater and found it quite empty. We piled into the third row and the show started promptly with a 12 year old lead character coming on stage. Slowly we realized that the $30 we had spent was for a VERY low budget children's theater! All of the characters were played by kids under 15 and each one was very proud of their one line! When Blue the doggie came out I was shocked... it was a small boy in blue pajamas! But, just when I thought Noah would protest and say -- Mommy, that's not Blue! he watched intently. In fact, he didn't move for the whole show and was fully engaged. As it all progressed, I was thrilled for him to see this small production of children on stage. I was sure he was engrossed but I knew he was also seeing a world of pretend that was completely new to him. It really challenged him because he knows Blue as a TV character and now he saw him on another dimension -- not the big production world of made to look real costumes, but the world of ordinary kids pretending to be dogs and shovels and pails.

Noah has been in a very shy, clingy stage recently and he was afraid to touch the doggie afterward but after some coaxing, he finally petted the little boy named blue.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Little Pumpkin

My dad always called me pumpkin growing up and now I have my own little pumpkin... and his pumpkins!!!! I can't believe how different he looks each year!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Night Out

Sunday night we had our annual family trip to Kilby Cream.

We ran through the corn maze, rode through bumpy deer-filled fields on a hay ride, and roasted weenies and marshmallows over the fire. (Noah's first time! -- He didn't like s'mores at all!)

One mom even brought fall stories to read and all the kids just piled on a blanket to listen. It was a picturesque fall day and it made me so happy to pile into the car smelling like campfire, licking the last bits of marshmallow off of my fingers....