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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Maevey Gravy

So, this week is going SOOO much better. Maeve had thrush which is a yeast infection. Her mouth was full of white pussy sores and her tongue and lips were covered in a white coating. This also caused great pain to me as well. With reflux this caused acid to come up after each feeding and burn the sores. Seriously, for a 6 week old? Pure hell. Once we got medicine it started to clear up quickly. She still has it but is on the mend. Phew! I got to steal some time with her today while Noah was napping and here are two pretty long and pretty uneventful videos. They are mostly for the grandparents overseas just to hear her sweet little coo. I love the little newborn noises!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 6

Weekends seem to be good times to get photos for me. The weekdays just fly by soooo quickly! This week proved to be pretty tough in the reflux wold. Maeve did not fare well. She has what they call "silent" reflux which means she generally doesn't spit up a whole lot but if you listen closely you can hear it come up into her mouth and she screams bloody murder. It seems to be getting worse and not better so tomorrow I am going to call the pediatrician again. Not to mention we've got thrush, which I will not elaborate on. So, say a little prayer tomorrow that the doctors will try another medicine that might work (meds never really helped Noah). I'm pretty much dairy free and we are using the infant probiotics. Other than that we just have to wait it out. 14 months isn't so long, right?

So, Noah did his best trying to cheer her up for a Sunday morning pic. The pacifier helped a little bit.