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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving was a wonderful holiday here! We had a huge feast, as usual! We were ready early and so we concocted our own Pumpkin Martini which was wonderful!

I tried to get a picture of the kids but Maeve was completely uninterested in that idea. Noah quickly got upset, not at taking pictures but at Maeve's lack of cooperation. Here's a few shots from the day!

I was playing with my external flash and this is what came out....

Watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving

After dinner we brought out the Black Friday Ads... it was a family affair!

Noah covered Eric in ads

Maeve insisted on having her own to look at

Turkey took its toll!!!

PreSchool Thanksgiving

Noah's preschool had a big Thanksgiving show on Tuesday. The kids dressed up as Pilgrims and Native Americans and sang lots of adorable songs. Noah is super into winking right now so he spent much of his time winking at us!!! He is so cute!!!


One of the things we are so grateful for are the amazing clothes that we receive from our family!! Our kids are so well dressed and it is rarely due to us!  Here are some cute things from family on the kids!!! I just get so sad that they grow out of their clothes so quickly!