Today we were at another party (I know, I know) and kids were everywhere. At least 20 of them. It was at a house we play at all the time and Noah loves to be there. The mom had set up a pool in the backyard and people were starting to head out to swim and play. Noah could see the pool but we weren't ready to go out yet. He kept asking to go and I kept telling him -- patience, patience. I was standing 5 feet from him in the kitchen area and he was looking out a pair of closed double doors without a deck. The next thing I know someone is yelling "Stephanie!" at the top of their lungs and I look over to Noah to see him begin to take a step out of the doors. He had opened both the french door and the screen door. He was about 15-20 feet up off the ground. My heart completely stopped. I froze motionless. I was so afraid that if I went toward him he would jump because he clearly thought it would be harmless. I had no idea what to do and another Mom we know was a bit closer and grabbed him from the other side. She gave him to me and I just clutched him so tight and started sobbing. I can't imagine what would have happened had he jumped. I'm still so scared and afraid. I have always loved that he is so independent and doesn't cling to me all the time but today my heart is filled with fear about the thought of life without my little boy.
I was a little overemotional and I asked the mom who owned the house if her setup was legal. But I also know that there are LOTS of unsafe things in my house and I really believe that you can't keep a child from every danger. Her kids know better because they live there and I totally get that.. Noah is just a little persistent when he wants something!
Thank you God for my little boy and for the mom who was closer to snag him. I know he will do many more stunts in his childhood that will stop my heart and I just pray that God brings us through them all alive and healthy.
and also in september
3 months ago
Oh Mama, how terrifying! My stomach hit the floor just reading your post. {{{HUGS}}}
There are some houses in new developments around us that are like that, but they have 2x4s across the door way (outside). I suspect that is what is needed to get it to code.
Somehow I had a feeling you would have a new post. This weekend someone wise told me that you can't really understand what being a mother is, until you are one - and your child gets sick.
I hope you have recovered for the scare. Love, Laura
Oh Stephanie,
I think my heart stopped for a minute too today. I can't imagine how you must have felt, however I recently had my daredevil Caroline fall off one of our pool walls, because she was with other bigger kids. I thought she will follow them and be fine...until she fell about 5 feet, luckily in the grass. She only scraped herself but her lip was abit messed up. Now I find myself being more vigilant than ever. I don't want to be a helicopter Mom hovering. I want to let her explore and do her thing like what you said about Noah. I am glad I was there today to witness Noah's "brave exploration". I just knew that me having a loud mouth would pay off eventually! Don't beat yourself up about it, just learn from it and thank God, right?
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