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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


For Noah's 4th birthday we bought him a self sustaining Frog Environment with 2 African Dwarf Frogs.  The disclaimer shared that they had a lifespan of 1-2 years.  Noah named them Tig and Tog.  Each Thursday he and Paul would feed the frogs, as directed. A few weeks ago we found that one of the frogs had died in the tank.  Noah was a bit disturbed but generally okay.  A few days later we passed a cemetery and Noah completely broke down sobbing hysterically for about a half hour about Tig (apparently he knew who was who).  He was so sad for Tog and so sad that Tig wouldn't be able to swim around anymore and that Tog would be lonely.   He really truly was having a terrible time dealing with all of this.  I said many things that I have absorbed through my life about heaven and God but I wasn't quite sure about what I was saying.  I certainly don't know tough answers when it comes to animals and pets, but I did tell Noah about the wonderful place called heaven.  He was a little calmer and then insisted we bury Tig.  So, Paul lifted him out of the tank and dug a hole in the back yard and Noah made his tombstone.  RIP Tig.

Maeve, 2 Year Visit

This week Maeve had her 2 year well visit ( a little late!)  She was 30 lbs and 3 feet or so... (super accurate).. 

The doctor's visit was hilarious.  Maeve is 99% potty trained and wanted to be naked for the visit.  She refused to keep a diaper or underwear on.  She ran around in circles the entire time laughing at herself.  When the doctor came in Maeve started talking away and Noah started interpreting for her (which is entire unnecessary).  When the doctor told her to open her mouth she did and then proceeded to examine the doctor.  The same with ears and nose.  The doctor loved the encounter and said it was quite rare to have a 2 year old be so compliant. 

As a 2 year old our little girl is quite the talker and speaks in complete sentences that really stun me sometimes.  She is very ornery but always with a wide smile on her face.  When you instruct her to stop whatever behavior she is doing, she puts herself on the step and moans in a teenage sullen voice, SOOOORY MOM.  She pouts and huffs, hides behind doors and under chairs, all to make her point when she is not happy about the situation.

She, along with Noah, LOVE to be out and about and do not like to be home.  She often stands by the door and says "In the car!!!" 

She is incredibly loving and gives great hugs and kisses and walks around the house saying "love you mom, love you dad" all day long. 

She is fascinated by her big brother and wants to do whatever he is doing.  If he says "more milk" she says the same.  If he has a toy, she grabs it from him yelling "MINE" so she can have a turn.  She has a great fondness for purses and shoes (really?) and is not discriminatory... all purses and shoes are created equally whether they are cloth shopping bags or Paul's lawn mowing shoes.  At the pool recently she went from blanket to blanket stealing shoes and I had to chase her and return them all!

She has such a strong spirit and she is certainly a fighter and we couldn't love our 2 year old girl any more!!!