Well, years ago when I was working at Bausman in Reading, I had a girl in my confirmation calass named Taylor Swift. She was 13 and had just started playing the guitar. It was about this time of year and she was writing stuff down during a sermon of mine about Christmas. Later that day her dad called me to tell me she wrote a song about my sermon. Then, on Christmas Eve she brought her guitar and rocked our pre-Christmas eve recital! I was so touched and held on to that song since then.
Then when she made the big time, I thought there was no way a s ong so clearly about Jesus would make it. But here it is! It is her most requested song right now.
A few weeks ago her dad called me and said "I didn't know if you heard, but Taylor is doing well." haa haa, how could I not hear! I'm so proud of her!!!
and also in september
3 months ago