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Friday, April 9, 2010

9.5 months, Maeve

Maevey Gravy had her 9 month appointment on Wednesday.  She weighed in at 21 lbs (80%tile) and 2 and a half feet (40%tile) and 90%tile for head circumference.  She had to have her hemoglobin tested which I don't remember with Noah.  It involved finger pricks which no one liked.  She also had to have a flu shot and in addition, her second tooth is pushing through.  WHEW!  Developmentally she is great.  She is very mobile now and crawls everywhere.  She has pulled up on a few items but is not quite sure of herself in that department yet!  She is squealing with delight all the time and is saying DaDa especially when Paul walks in the room.  It also sounds like she says Hi but I don't think that's real yet.  Maeve also attended her first birthday party this week for her friend Toby who turned 1.  She was a champ and loved all of the commotion.  Happy 9.5 months dearie!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Twigs, Paramedics and Life in General

Many of you have probably heard already, but Miss Maeve had quite an incident this week. We dragged ourselves to the park on Monday to enjoy the nice weather and when we came home, Noah asked if we could garden. We gathered our stuff and got all ready. I put a blanket on the ground for Maeve and walked to mail box (6 feet away). She completely flipped her lid and I assumed it was the general separation anxiety she has been going through. But, it kept getting worse and worse and so I told Noah we had to pack up gardening and head inside until Maeve was calm.

I went into the kitchen with her to see if she would take a bottle or if I could calm her and she got much worse. Mucus and liquid started coming out of her nose and mouth in large amounts. The shrieking got worse and so I decided to call the doctor. As I was looking for the phone she started to vomit blood, mucus, and whatever was in her stomach. I decided to head right for 911. Blood kept coming out and her shirt and the rug were both covered.

The 911 operator assured me she was fine because she was still crying and sent the police and ambulance. I tried to feel around for anything I could and there was something in her throat that I could not seem to get out. She continued in this state for a while.. who knows how long.

The cops showed up quickly and tried to help but she shortly got herself out of the condition and calmed down. The paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later and by that time she was pretty much okay.

The best I can think of is that she got a thorny twig and ate it, all in 10 seconds of being outside. I am guessing she got it lodged and it cut her esophagus. Neither the EMT or the doctor could understand the blood, as that is not a normal side effect of choking.

We monitored her for a few minutes and then she was completely fine. My goodness, God makes these children pretty resilient!

In other news, for those who have been following my knee drama. I have been feeling weak and unsteady over the past few weeks. My knee feels like it has been hyperextending and that it could give out. I have had trouble with steps and sitting on the floor. I was pretty sure I had done something wrong, but the doctor said that the ligament was still attached and tightly attached. This is the best news ever! So, he believes the problem is that my muscles simply aren't strong enough to hold my leg in place so I need to do a lot more therapy. I'm glad that was the outcome!

So, Maeve is fine. Noah is fine. My knee is fine. My mouth is put back together. Paul is always A-OK. The sun is shining. Life is grand. God is good. Amen.