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Friday, April 9, 2010

9.5 months, Maeve

Maevey Gravy had her 9 month appointment on Wednesday.  She weighed in at 21 lbs (80%tile) and 2 and a half feet (40%tile) and 90%tile for head circumference.  She had to have her hemoglobin tested which I don't remember with Noah.  It involved finger pricks which no one liked.  She also had to have a flu shot and in addition, her second tooth is pushing through.  WHEW!  Developmentally she is great.  She is very mobile now and crawls everywhere.  She has pulled up on a few items but is not quite sure of herself in that department yet!  She is squealing with delight all the time and is saying DaDa especially when Paul walks in the room.  It also sounds like she says Hi but I don't think that's real yet.  Maeve also attended her first birthday party this week for her friend Toby who turned 1.  She was a champ and loved all of the commotion.  Happy 9.5 months dearie!