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Monday, April 19, 2010

10 Terrific Months

Our little girl is 10 months old.  Every passing day is bittersweet to think that she is no longer my tiny little peanut who slept in my arms.  This month has brought some big changes for Maeve.  She is crawling with fierce speed.  She is pulling up on everything. She is starting to climb steps. She wants to stand alone desperately.  That dreaded moment happened where she was standing in her crib.  She now has two teeth.  She is saying dada and some other variations of things like hi, mama, and just some multiple syllable banterines. Bring out the baby gates!

She is still sleeping a lot but is happier when she is awake and can last in public longer.  She still will not sleep anywhere but in her crib (boo).  That should be fun when we go camping next month!  She also still refuses to sleep without being swaddled.  The doctor said she is just likes to be wrapped tightly, just like some adults. 

As for her disposition, she is generally happy.  She likes to chuckle a lot and she can stay content playing with anything for quite a while.  The playroom is her favorite place because there is just so much to look at and touch. She is rarely content with an exersaucer or walker any longer and wants to be on the move all the time.  She is finicky, though, and will not eat certain foods or do certain things if she is not in the mood.  We could be in big trouble later in life!