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Thursday, June 11, 2009

35 Weeks

And the countdown (and the drama) continues.  

Last Saturday I was hanging out on the lovely couch when I started to feel my first contractions pretty much ever.   I casually watched the clock.  They kept coming and coming and coming, every 5 minutes for over an hour.  I didn't tell anyone.  Finally I told Paul a little while later and he convinced me to call our friend to come over and watch Noah (who was in bed) so we could go to the hospital.  I had instructions to go in if I had more than 4 in an hour, but they weren't painful so I was blowing it off.  We drove there and I knew it wasn't labor, but they hooked me up anyway and sure enough, every 5 minutes the entire time we were there.  I wasn't dilating anymore and I was completely fine.   After watching us for 2 hours we were sent home with instructions to come back if they were every 4 minutes and/or painful.  Seriously....

So, they have been on and off ever since, but no big deal.

Today was my 35 week appointment.  I was very sick and nauseous this morning and vomited quite a bit.  Turns out I have acquired reflux through the end of this pregnancy, lovely!  So, now I am on meds for that.  The doctor checked me and I am now 3cm dilated and 75% effaced.  I am considered "near term" and no longer "pre-term."  The baby is out of danger and would likely not have complications if she was born now.   I will not be considered full term for another two weeks.  My bedrest has been modified so that I am allowed to do more and be outside and walking around.  I am not allowed to exercise, go for walks, clean, or do anything strenuous. Next week at 36 weeks all restrictions will be lifted.  I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, there's you're update!!!  I am getting so excited to meet my baby girl soon!!!!


Amy F.

Come on Maeve...why don't you just come on out so Mommy can meet you and she doesn't have to deal with the yuckiness of pregnancy left!


i definately understand the acid refulx but maybe since you have it she wont! good luck, it wont be much longer now!