For all of you who are wondering...
I went back to the doctor today. Dilation is about the same, I am effacing a little bit more than last week. At this point my instruction is to stay on bedrest for the next three weeks. At that point I am allowed to get up and resume normal activity because at that point it won't matter if I go into labor. My instructions are: no cooking, cleaning, laundry and I'm not allowed to pick up Noah. I am supposed to wake up, get ready for the day, sit on the couch and only get up for meals and bathroom needs. I am allowed to perform church functions that I consider "absolutely necessary."
I'm so bummed. I know it is for the baby and to help the baby, but it just seems a little dramatic. I'm not that dilated. I'm not trying to second guess the doctor, I'm really not. I just am sad because I was hoping to spend the early days of summer alone with Noah... at the zoo and the pool and at the park. And now I can't even push him on the swing in the yard. Three weeks will go quickly, I'm sure. I missed my anniversary gift, I'm missing lots of events we had planned with our friends and I'm just a little sad and disappointed.
I have gotten a lot of scrapbooking done, made some bibs and burp cloths, and I bought items to make baby girl a beautiful quilt. Those things will make me happy. And I thank God that I am healthy and the baby is healthy and that there is no danger on the horizon.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers....
and also in september
3 months ago
It will go so fast Steph. Keep that positive attitude. You know you will forget all of the bumminess when that beautiful baby girl is in your arms. Enjoy the rest and relax, you deserve it. You are growing a baby!
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