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Who's Visiting Today?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Last Saturday my family held a picnic at Knoebel's Grove in Elysburg, PA. It was a lovely (hot, muggy) day in the middle of nowhere. We left the house at 9 and arrived at 1:30pm! Now, mind you, we picked up my brother and stopped for the potty tons of times. We rode about 10 rides and headed out around 5 only to return home at 9 PM.

If you are closer than we are, we highly recommend this place! It is CHEAP!!! and the rides are fun. Noah loved his adventures with mommy and daddy.

But what Knoebel's really marks is the end of the summer. We had such a fantastic summer. We did everything!!

Several trips to the Phila Zoo
The Beach
International Travel
Water Parks
Sesame Place
Pool Parties
Tons of Barbeques
Great nights on the swingset and in the sandbox
Swimming at MomMom's and PopPop's
Tons of Playgrounds
Longwood Gardens
The Fair
The local Dairy Farm

I don't even have a clue what my favorite thing was. We did SOOO much!! It was all wonderful and it is so great that Noah is at an age to have fun doing these things! He loves every new thing so much and never wants it to end. Now on to fall activities!!! Pumpkins and Cider here we come!!!!



Wow ! Noah is a lucky little boy.. you guys did alot this summer. We did NOTHING..probably because I was like a gazillion months pregnant and miserable and its SO HOT in Texas! HA!