On April 26th, my dear little guy turned 6. It's been a wild ride for sure.
At 6, Noah is a very curious, loving, and friendly little boy. He is outgoing, polite, and witty. He loves legos, animals, and books. We are currently reading the Magic Tree House series and besides the names of towns and cities, he can read the books without help.
Noah is about to finish Kindergarten and like his mother he loves learning. He is a sponge for knowledge and loves everything presented to him. He has yet to say he is bored with anything and is very excited about all of the experiences he has. He loves his teacher passionately and has made lots of sweet friends.
Noah can ride his bike without training wheels, plays soccer, and does Karate. He can swim the length of a pool and and jump off the diving board into the deep well and swim to the edge. As he has always been, he has very little fear. For example, today was pond day at school... Noah dug his fists into the sludge the teacher grabbed from the pond looking for tadpoles. His classmates watched with bug eyes afraid to get dirty.
I don't have his stats because we haven't been to the doctor but he is shorter than almost all of the kids in his class. He has a late birthday comparatively but I believe he must be due a growth spurt sometime soon. He is as skinny as a pole with every rib sticking out!
Since our move there has been very little time or need for television in the house. Noah plays outside every second he can get. He plays school, pirate ships, monopoly, gym class, or sometimes just rolls down the hill. He does like watching Star Wars with daddy during their bonding time and he still really enjoys the young preschool shows like Diego and Kai Lan. He has a playmobil barn that he plays with for hours and his animals will still capture his attention for long periods of time.
Noah continues to have an insatiable interest in the bible stories he hears about. He processes things very deeply and holds on to them. You never know when a question about resurrection will surface. He has been asking about Lazarus for weeks and he often asks me if I am excited to see my grandma again when Jesus comes back. Tonight's bedtime conversation centered around Judas and why he would tell the guards where Jesus was.
The sweet picture here is Noah's birthday morning with a requested chocolate chip muffin and chocolate milk. Yum!
and also in september
3 months ago
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