It's been very hard to blog lately with the crazy life we are trying to lead!
2-3 days a week we stay in Oxford with a very dear friend so that I can go to evening meetings.
The rest of the days we stay in Birdsboro with my grandmother.
On any given day we generally drive from Birdsboro to Oxford and then to Downingtown for Noah to go to Kindergarten for 3 hours. During that time I drive to a wi-fi spot while Maeve naps in the car to do work on my computer. Afterward we either drive back to Oxford or back to Birdsboro! Maeve is generally in the car for 5-6 hours a day.
We are generally eating almost all fast food unless my grandmother cooks for us which she does while we are there. It's been nothing short of exhausting!
However, the kids are finally adjusting and not as wild as they were when this journey started. They have grown to call grandmas house home and only occasionally ask to go "home." We feel very blessed to have some great friends and family helping us with many things right now.
The new house is under way. It is 3 minutes from Noah's school so I can check on it every day. They have dug out the foundation, poured the footers, put stone on the basement floor, poured the garage and put stone on the driveway. There are 3 houses being built at the same time with ours scheduled to be done first. The promised date was December 15th. The weather has been good enough to work in and so we are hoping for a little bit of an early delivery which they said is very possible. We are also looking forward to the 3.6-4.0 interest rates right now! We're hoping they'll hold out a few more months which seems to be a reality.
I'm also very happy that we decided to put Noah in the Downingtown district. He and I are already making friends and we have our first playdate next week with a mom who lives in another part of our community. The time up there is allowing me to figure out the roads and the stores, etc. His classroom is amazing... there are 16 kids with 1 teacher, 2 aides and a student teacher! The school has a laptop for every child to use and so he practices his own login and password. Each room has a smart board (a computer that is interactive and looks like a dry erase board). They have online homework (which we haven't had to do yet) that will chart each child's learning style and capabilities so that the teacher can assess them from their homework easily and provide learning opportunities geared toward each child. They have monthly family nights at the school with movies or bingo or bowling nights out, etc. that we are really looking forward to. So, all in all, it feels good to be really excited about his school considering that was a major factor for our move.
If anything, I miss my friends (new and old) because there simply isn't any time right now for anything. And more than anything, I miss Paul! We see each other for about an hour a night and that is consumed with laundry and bills, as well as organizing our calendar. But we know this is temporary and we can't wait for our new home!!!!
and also in september
3 months ago
wow- that is a lot! noah's school sounds amazing and bravo to you for figuring out how to glide your kids through what sounds like a crazy situation. a wonderful, positive attitude goes a long way :)
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