Just a couple things I want to remember.
Today in church, Noah learned the story of Jesus turning water into wine. Normally he doesn't get the gist but today he came home and told me the whole story. The teacher had them put water into kool aid and it turned into "wine" and Noah kept saying all day, "I loved the wine I had at church today!!" And I don't know if it was part of the lesson, but he kept saying, there was water and then PRESTO! there was wine!
Today Maeve seemed a lot older. She is sitting up almost all the time now and playing with everything. She is so aware of her surroundings and GRABS everything in her sight. She was so mad because yesterday she couldn't grab the logo off of my t-shirt! Today we also let her try puffed cereal for the first time. She loved it. She only had 5 pieces but when they were done she kept grabbing at my hand looking for more and screaming when there was no more. She is quite the mouthy little thing. I'm very excited about the entrance of finger foods because it just made traveling with Noah so much easier to have a little non-messy snack to give him.
It's night night time here though and Noah has a family of ducks that need my help to be tucked in!!!!
and also in september
3 months ago
Hah--I did tell them it wasn't really wine, but they were pretty into it. I'm glad he took something away from the lesson besides grape Kool-Aid. We had a grand time.
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