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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Maevey Gravy

Here's my little smile-box. She is still sick. Christmas Eve she started getting cranky and snotty. As the days went on she developed a rattle in her lungs and we could hear her struggling with mucus. She had a fever the Sunday after Christmas and her respirations were about 80 per minute (normal for an infant is 40-60). We called the doctor and they told us to take her to the ER. After going through RSV with Noah I wasn't going to take a chance. They said she was struggling but there was no infection. Two days later the doctor said that something was brewing. It could be RSV but it was unconfirmed. She has been on an albuterol nebulizer three times a day ever since. The sad part is that Maeve never woke up at night until she got sick. Now poor Paul has to get up with her several times a night because she simply cannot breathe. I feel so awful because I just have to watch and I can't help or make it easier for either of them.

She is definitely on the mend, but has a constant stream of yuck coming out of her poor little nose. Through all of it, she is still a crazy little smile monster. We are all inspired by her spirit!



did u donate one of these to nursery cause there is one up there and alexis LOVES it and they look verrrrrrry similar!