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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Maevey Gravy

So, this week is going SOOO much better. Maeve had thrush which is a yeast infection. Her mouth was full of white pussy sores and her tongue and lips were covered in a white coating. This also caused great pain to me as well. With reflux this caused acid to come up after each feeding and burn the sores. Seriously, for a 6 week old? Pure hell. Once we got medicine it started to clear up quickly. She still has it but is on the mend. Phew! I got to steal some time with her today while Noah was napping and here are two pretty long and pretty uneventful videos. They are mostly for the grandparents overseas just to hear her sweet little coo. I love the little newborn noises!!!!!


Amma and Afi

We just loooved it! We think we heard Maeve say "Hi Afi og Amma." Thank you so much for these very special videos. It gave us so much and we feel we are almost with you. We love you.