Time is flying right by. Maeve was 8 weeks old on Saturday and I am just in awe. She is always with me so I definitely feel like she's a huge part of our lives, but at the same time she still doesn't talk or move so it feels like she is not really here sometimes. It seems that every day gets easier and easier. We are still fighting the thrush but it has gotten better. We still wrestle with reflux but it doesn't seem to hurt her much anymore. She has started spitting up larger amounts which is gross but she doesn't cry about it. She has become pretty angelic most of the day and then around 5 she loses it until 7 or so. I can deal with that! She has gotten much better in the car seat and is just overall becoming much calmer. I read that 6-8 weeks is the height of fussiness for many babies as it is the end of their digestive tract working itself out. I have special prayers out there that we are done with the extreme fussiness and drama.
Maeve is a rock star in so many ways. She is always along for the ride because we have so much going on and she usually manages to pull it together when we need her too. She is the happiest in her peanut shell sling and we put her in there whenever we are out and about and she just sleeps away.
She sleeps so well and I thank God for that all the time. Last night she went to bed at 7 woke up once at 2 and again at 6:30. This is perfectly fine with me! I need to work on tweaking the night so she sleeps more like 10-6:30 but I am happy with where we are.
She is pretty happy these days laying on a blanket staring at a toy or out the window. She isn't a fan of most contraptions but is starting to show more interest in her surroundings.
8 weeks have gone so incredibly quickly and I just can't imagine what she will be like at 1 or 2. I'm so excited to see and yet I don't want her to change at all! But, I am certainly glad she is a part of our family.... we all are!
and also in september
3 months ago
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