Here's my little girl today!!! 4 weeks old! I am just stunned at how quickly it has gone. She will officially be one month on Monday. She is the most beautiful little girl and just perfect. I think I'll do my review now since I have some time, who knows what Monday will bring!
So, I think she will be up to 7lbs. by Monday. She was 6 10 at birth and 5,8 in the NICU and 6,1 when we came home. She was 6, 14 when the home health nurse came to visit. 7lbs or more is my guess. She is growing quickly and today she wore her first 0-3 month oufit.
Overall she is a very calm and happy baby. She sleeps a ton still and is only alert for about 10 minutes after each feeding. We are doing Babywise again and it is going very smoothly. Maeve pretty much had herself on a schedule before she came home and we have just followed that. She wakes about every 3 hours on cue around the clock. She has some longer spells at night, sometimes up to 5 or 6 hours. Generally we wake her to eat at 11 and then she wakes one more time before the morning. It's pretty nice. Babywise calls for a routine napping schedule and so after her "awake" time we just put her in the crib and she sleeps until the next feeding. Generally she naps 2 out of every 3 hours. She has recently been having terrible gas pains that make her cry a lot but it amuses us because she screams and then farts really loud and is fine. We've tried gas drops but I kind of think they're a hoax. She is also a pooping maniac. She seriously poops 20 times a day. She wakes up poopy after every nap, she poops like crazy during feedings so much that you think the diaper might not hold it, and she poops on you or right after you have changed one of the other two!
Noah is still crazy in love with her and wants to show her to everyone as his prize. We have been good about having just Noah time and emphasizing what a big boy can do and he seems to be doing okay. Noah is still the center of attention around here; his personality and temperment just demand it.
I can't say how happy I am to have two children. It's hard to explain, but I just feel more like a family now. There isn't one on/one off, we're all needed all of the time! It can be exhausting, but also fun. I just appreciate the littlest things about both of them and it makes me so happy to see them grow and change each day. I feel so lucky to be enjoying this because I know that many people warned me about having two. I feel like for me it was a much harder adjustment from 0-1 child than 1-2. I've already been steamrolled so nothing seems so bad anymore. Plus, Noah is potty trained, gets himself dressed, is fully functional and VERY helpful. He isn't needy in the way many who have kids closer together are and he has never been a very clingy child. Maeve just goes along for the ride wherever we go... she's already been to birthday parties, longwood gardens and the zoo. We were still trying to figure out which end was up with Noah at this point!
So, the first month is down and we can't wait to see what's next!!!!
and also in september
3 months ago
I love this photo and I can't believe she's already a month old! Oh my!
She is absolutely beautiful
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