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Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 Top 8

Here is my top 8 list for 2008.... The best of our lives this year! Enjoy!!!!

8. Sophie. Ok, I know I complain about the dog a lot. But, she is so cute and a great addition to our family. Paul and I both had dogs growing up and we know that it is an important part of childhood. Noah treats Sophie like another family member and always includes her in his prayers. She can be awesome.... like after Noah is in bed she sort of knows it's her time and comes and snuggles with us. Plus, whenever I'm scared in this big old house, I know Sophie is here and will take care of me!!!

7. The Zoo. We fell in love with the Philadelphia zoo this year. Noah is so in love with animals and every trip we took was more and more exciting. I can't wait to do it again next year.

6. Babies. What a year for babies!! So many of my close friends had children this year and even some of my far away friends had them too!! I don't know if I can name them all! Cora, Cassidy, Amelia, Riley, Sullivan, Daniel, Adin, Owen, Gweneth, and I'm sure there are more I'm missing!!

5. 30. As you know I turned 30 this year. Gosh, when you're 15, 30 sounds horrid. But now that I'm here it's not so bad. It's great to not be dating, to own a home, to have some stability and purpose in my life. I still smile when I'm more excited about home furnishings than clothing but overall I'm enjoying this new decade. Many of my "older" friends.. haa haa, have said that the 30's are really great and I can't wait to see what they hold.

4. 2. So, everyone says that the twos are terrible. I actually think the 1.5's are more terrible than the two's. And I think if you have an angel baby the two's might look terrible. But if you have a wild, screaming, puking infant, a few tantrums seem like cake. I love that Noah can communicate and imagine and be sooo creative. He is funny and sweet and has his own personality that is learning and growing into our family. Two is awesome because you are still the center of their world and you get to introduce them to everything.... Hugs and "I love you's" and "I make you happy, Mommy?" are worth every ounce of my time and energy and even exhaustion!

3. Iceland. I absolutely love to travel and I would travel ALL the time if I could. It had been a few years since I was off of American soil and I was thrilled to see another country. We had such a fantastic time, the country was beautiful and of course it was great to see Len and Sandra.

2. Friends. When we moved to Oxford we felt that we would never feel at home. We both had so many good friends in our hometowns and it just felt that it would never be the same. For the first few years we were pretty isolated here, watching families walk past our house to the park. But 2008 was a record year for us.... we met so many people! I can't tell you the number of parties we had or went to, the couples nights, the mom's nights, and just countless phone calls, stories shared, and drinks toasted. We are so grateful that God has answered our prayers to feel at home in our town!

And the number one thing to celebrate about 2008:

1. We will welcome a new little one to our family in early July 2009!!! Yes!!! We are 3 months pregnant right now. We found out on October 30th and were waiting until Christmas to tell our families. You can look back at posts that I have finally made public that start back in late October. Yippeee!!!!!!  (ps.. if you are church folk, keep it a secret til we tell people ourselves!)



Yay! Yay! Yay! Soooooo excited for you guys!!!!! Congratulations!


Everyone is having babies!!! Congrats.




OH MY GOODNESS! YAY! YAY! YAY!! I logged on today for the first time in a while to catch up and omg I've missed alot! congratulations Steph! I'm sooooooooooooooo happy for you!! YAY YAY YAY!


Woo hoo!


I check on you every once in a while and wanted to let you know I am excited for you....and your new addition. Wishing you an easy pregnancy and life beyond!!!!


I KNEW IT!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. Stephanie you are going to be an awesome mom of 2 and Noah is going to cherish his new baby brother or sister. HUGS!!!

Karen Murdy
