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Friday, November 28, 2008

The Sweetest Happiest Baby!!!!

We were so lucky to have our friends Doug and Lisa here from Seattle last weekend and even luckier to finally meet baby Adin. He is soooo sweet! He giggled and laughed the whole time, kicking his feet wildly with joy. He was one of the happiest babies I've ever seen, often just sitting and grinning from ear to ear. We were out in Seattle when Noah was exactly Adin's age (about 8 months) and so it was neat to compare them a little bit. Noah didn't seem to mind the baby. He wanted to hug him and kiss him a lot and we pulled out some baby toys with Adin which Noah wanted to play with a lot. Adin watched Noah's every move and wanted desperately to chase him around the house.

We also got some good grown up time to eat a nice meal and chit chat together. Sometimes it's great to catch up with old friends. Thanks for putting us on your travel plan Doug and Lisa!!!!!